Leaving the Port of Suislaw dock. This is where I backed our boat down a ramp for the first time. I didn't do too bad, just a little readjustment.

Our condo building as seen from the river.

Our condo, top floor very right unit. We didn't stay there because it was rented. We stayed at the Casino instead.

Heading westward still....

Straight ahead (the dark colored land) is the north jetty and the "beach" of Harbor Vista Park, where we like to camp.

This is a railroad crossing over the river, east of Florence at Cushman. We have come all the way back up river past our starting point and are headed east towards Mapleton. The river channel is very difficult to see as you boating east near the casino. Luckily another boat had just come from upstream and we headed in the direction they came from.

The upstream Siuslaw River has a whole different feel, as if the ocean was hours away.

A cute boat in Mapleton

HWY 36 bridge over the Siuslaw River, Mapleton.

The scenery upstream from the HWY 36 bridge.
I drove the boat all the way back to the port, because it was fun. Who's CAPTAIN now, huh?!

The "pirate boat" in Cushman...

The wharf at Old Town Florence. Gee look at that sky, pretty blue! Of course this was when we were getting ready to take out. All done with the Siuslaw for now.

The next day we took the boat out on Woahink Lake, no pictures of that. We circumnavigated the lake and browsed our dream lake houses. We saw a couple of jet skiiers, otherwise the lake was empty. I wish I had thought to get fishing licenses, it would have been enjoyable. The weather did the same thing to us again, cold and cloudy until we loaded up. We'll be back.