Sunday, October 30, 2011

VIsta & Vineyards

This summer I participated in a local en plein air art group.  Beginning in the spring we met weekly at various locations around the valley to paint outdoors and then have a critique afterwards.  This was my first year being involved in the group and I really enjoyed it.  I wasn't able to attend all the outings due to work, and was most disappointed to miss the trips to a lavender farm and a vineyard.  This year I painted at Garland Nursery; Old Mill State Park in Tangent; and OSU Sheep Barns.  Part of the learning process was figuring out how to pack your supplies so that you could easily set up where your favorite view was. At Garlands, I did pack my stuff into the nursery, but decided that was too much work for future outings.  I took a page from Kris Mitchells' playbook and worked out of the back of my car for the next locations.

Some of my past art instructors, as well as some of my favorite local artists (Tom Allen, Donna Beverly, Carolee Clark, Kris Mitchell, Lauren Ohlgren), are often seen on the outings.  It's so strange to find myself in the company of these artist, as a peer.  In spite of the talent present, the group has been supportive and friendly to us new comers.  I can't wait to do it again next year.

The view from my Garlands outing.

The view of my Old Mill State Park painting location.

My unfinished painting

How others were painting outdoors at the sheep bar.

In car painting set up at OSU Sheep Barns.

Lots of people showed up at the sheep barns.
The view I was painting

My painting as it was at the end of the day.

Just part of the paintings involved in the critique.